Content Brief

Optional resource for partners who want more guidance on how to share content about Motion

Key points when sharing content about Motion:

  • Motion's strongest feature is the AI algorithm which places tasks on your calendar at an optimized time. If you don't get the task done, Motion will move the task automatically to the next optimal time.

  • Many Motion users think of the application as a one-stop shop for managing their time. They add both personal and work calendars, share booking availabilties through our Booking feature, project manage, and also of course keep their to-do list on Motion.

  • Motion is primarily a web app and desktop app, intended to be used on a computer. We also have a mobile application for Android and iOS for adding tasks on the go.

  • Motion's demographic is busy working professionals who juggle many roles and responsibilities, often switching between meetings and tasks. Some examples of users are marketing managers who have many personal tasks and work tasks, owners of multiple businesses, and entrepreneurs with a side hustle like leadership coaching.

  • Motion has both a light mode and dark mode of the application on desktop and webapp. Mobile app is only available in light mode.

Please refer to our Value Proposition page if you want to borrow examples of copy describing Motion.

Motion's Value Proposition

Last updated